- 17 000 000+ customers.
- I was responsible setting up new QA team, hiring and managing people. Setting up QA processes, writing test plans, and testing scripts.
- TypeScriptReactNextPlaywright
- FigmaStorybook
- JiraConfluenceTempoQATeam Management
My Job
- I worked on automation, testing scripts and team coordination.
- Groupon is an online marketplace, offering discounts on products and services, with 17 000 000+ customers.
My role
- SDET = Software Development Engineer in Testing.
- In testing, it is an IT professional who can work equally in both development and testing.
Responsibility #1: QA Automation and Testing Scripts
- Setting up automation, including Playwright for E2E.
- Writing E2E tests in JavaScript and TypeScript.
- Coordinating efforts related to unit tests and integration tests.
- Writing documentation for developers.
- CI/CD pipeline in GitHub using Jenkins, for unit, integration, and E2E tests.
Responsibility #2: Team Coordination
- Involved in hiring new SDET members for QA team.
- Work across 4 teams.
- 3 DEV teams (15 developers). Setting priorities for writing unit and integration tests.
- 1 QA team (6 manual testers). Coordinating regression testing for the website.
- Drive the discussion and decisions on technical topics related to the teams.
- Keeping up-to-date JIRA tasks for testing.
See project screenshots below.

My Resume
To understand my React Developer career, learn about my skills and experience. From startup to large corporations I have worked on a variety of projects.