- 2 480 000+ customers.
- I worked on an application for managing insurance policies for citizens. Kooperativa has over 2 480 000+ customers in Czech Republic.
- TypeScriptReactReduxTailwind
- FigmaStorybook
- JiraConfluence
My Job
- I worked for Kooperativa, the 2nd biggest insurance company in the Czech Republic, owned by Vienna Insurance Group.
- I was involved in the development of application that will improve services and customer experience of over 2 480 000+ customers.
Developed new features
- I was part of team to create comprehensive solution for arranging and managing insurance contracts.
- The application is designed to enhance the customer experience while providing employees with a modern system that simplifies their work.
- I worked with TypeScript, React, and Redux. I used Figma designs to develop a user interface. I also worked with a backend developer to ensure API integration.
See project screenshots below.

My Resume
To understand my React Developer career, learn about my skills and experience. From startup to large corporations I have worked on a variety of projects.